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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

La Misma Luna

What are the main reasons for the boys mom to leave her son in Mexico with his granmother?

Rosario was a single mother, who left her son, Carlitos in Mexico with his grandmother, Benita, so that she could cross the border into the US to get a job to provide a better life for Carlitos. Rosario knew that it would be too dangerous to take Carlitos across the border.

Why do you think the mother had to make such a difficult decision?
In Mexico, there isn't a lot of work, it is very hard to make a living there, and provide for your family. I am sure that Rosario thought that she would be able to find a job easier in the US and with the money she would make, she could send to Carlitos and her mother for food, clothes, and Carlitos education, which were all very important to her. Rosario, for 4 years continually had to make the difficult decision of, should I stay in the US or go back to Mexico? But she stayed in the US, determined to do what she intended to do, become a legal citizen so she could bring Cralitos to the US and live the American dream.

What problems did the boy face living away from his mother. What problems did his mother face living away from her son?

Carlitos was very sad not being with his mother. He went to school, then he went to work secretly for a woman named Carmen, whose job was to help people cross the border. Carmen would not help Carlitos get across the border, because she knew that his mother and grandmother did not approve, because it was so dangerous.

Rosario faced many problems. She worked cleaning houses for upper class families, sometimes not even getting paid for her work, because they knew she was an illegal and she couldn't involve the police without getting herself caught. She had to worry about the I.N.S. finding her and deporting her back to Mexico. She lived in a garage, she couldn't even have a regular address afraid of the I.N.S. She also worried about Carlitos. She knew he was growing up fast and she either needed to pay a lawyer to help her with her case to become a US citizen which would cost $4,000 or she was going to have to go back to Mexico.

Would a mother in the US make the same choice? Why?
I think that although it would be hard to leave my children behind with a grandparent for such a long time, if it meant that I could provide for them better, and give them a better life, I would do it. Children are precious and deserve to have all the necessary things in life, such as a good home, 3 meals day or more, clean clothes, and a good education.


  1. Great post, Heather! As mothers, most of us would do anything to make a better life for our children...thank goodness we live in America, where we are not often forced to make such a hard decision as Rosario did.

  2. Heather, I completely agree with your post! Great job! Rosario had a difficult decision to make by leaving her son behind with her Mother. Many of us in the class are Mothers and understand why Rosario made the decision she did. It took a lot of courage to be able to do that. To go into a different country and learn a new language while leaving behind her only son and family. I like to think that Rosario marries Paco and that they become legal U.S. Citizens and live their life together as a family. To stay in the United States or to return back to Mexico was a very difficult decision to make for Rosario. I am sure everyday she fought with the question in her head.
    Carlitos, if a very brave, strong boy. The courage it took for him to cross the border, find a job, and then find his Mother all in less than a week is unbelievable.

    Great blog by the way! Love the dots!
